Multiple C-TRAN routes will be on detour this Saturday, November 11, during the Veterans Day Parade at Fort Vancouver. Service impacts and temporary stop closures are expected to last from approximately 7 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Saturday, and the following routes will be affected:

Temporary stop closures on Saturday include sections of Fort Vancouver Way, Evergreen Boulevard and Broadway in downtown Vancouver. Additional information is posted at the affected stops.

C-TRAN is a proud participant in the Veterans Day parade. In honor of those who served, C-TRAN is also offering fare-free service all day across the entire system on November 11.

On Friday, November 10, C-TRAN administrative offices will be closed in observance of the holiday. Customer Service Offices and the C-TRAN Call Center will remain open during regular hours, however, and buses will run on normal weekday schedules.

For questions or trip planning assistance, please call C-TRAN at 360-695-0123.